Getting Started
The Centre de Calcul de l’Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules (CC-IN2P3) is a computing center whose resources are mainly dedicated to the processing, analysis and storage of scientific data from particle, astroparticle and nuclear physics experiments.
The CC-IN2P3 was chosen as the French production Science Data Center (SDC-FR) for the Euclid experiment. You can request an account at the CC-IN2P3 provided that:
- you are an Euclid Consortium member (or you have the explicit agreement of the SDC-FR manager);
- you are contributing to the SDC-France infrastructure or to SDC deliveries under French responsibility or co-responsibility;
- you have the agreement of the manager of this activity.
A list of all Euclid users at CC-IN2P3 can be found here. This page gives an overview of the resources usage by Euclid experiment.
This document is a specific documentation dedicated to Euclid members using CC-IN2P3 resources. The general CC-IN2P3 documentation starting page is here.
In particular, all the relevant informations on how to get an account and how to access the CC-IN2P3 services are available here.